Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Well Paris has finally become cold to me.  At first, I expected it to be cold, but I walked so much that it didn't matter.  Now it is just cold and if you take a breather by shopping or enjoying a café then you have to start all over again.  Yesterday I took a nap on top of my covers soon without warning I was shivering.  The average has been a high of 50 and lows of 20's I think it's closer to 30 all the time.  Oh well, I bundle up and wear my gloves everywhere.  I think this weekend Christy and I are going to Chinatown and in a few more weeks we will make it out to the Palace of Versailles.  As of now, I am just trying to survive my courses (or as they say in French suivre un cours) and as more details unravel it seems like I will be taking a lot of classes: one french class Monday thru Friday, one phonetics class Monday thru Friday but biweekly, and two conference classes that meet twice a week every week.  I didn't sign up for this much school, but then again maybe I did?  This is a picture of the Abroadco group at St. Malo.  The whole group is there, but unfortunately one person has decided to leave Paris.  So I dedicate this post to her... she's the one in the multi-colored jacket.


Lizeth said...

And just what the heck are we looking at here???!!!

We need details and faces. And shout-outs to your friend Liz :)

Becky said...

Yeah, shout outs! I'm your friend right? =/ Liz will you send me a shout out?

Lizeth said...

"And this shout out goes to my friend Becky....Keep it real, girl!"